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Open Sound System
These versions are released only for use by developers of Open Sound System. They may have serious bugs or parts of the functionality may be missing.
The first oss-4.1test0-070612 version is identical with the oss-4.0-build1003 stable version. The only real difference is that MIDI support is enabled by default in the 4.1 one.
The oss-v4.0-buildNNNNrcM packages are preliminary snapshots for the next OSS-v4.0 "stable" builds. They have less features than the oss-v4.1 versions. These versions are "almost stable" but they have not been tested adequately yet.
In a production systems you should use the latest stable version instead.
Open Sound System sources are available under two different licenses. The "GPL" version is contains OS dependent directories for all operating systems supported by OSS. The "CDDL" packages contain only the Solaris/OpenSolaris and FreeBSD versions. There are no other differences between these versions.
The *-gpl.tar.bz packages contain source code of Open Sound System released under the GPLv2 license. The *-cddl.tar.bz packages contain the same source source code under CDDL 1.0 license.
See the Open Sound System licensing page for more info about licensing.
The source packages are tar files compressed with the bzip utility. Use the bunzip command to uncompress them. Release notes and installation instructions are contained in the associated .txt file for each package.